If you want a wise answer, ask a reasonable question.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

[wptabs type=“accordion“ mode=“horizontal“]

[wptabtitle] Is there a possibility to get to know the Academy of Martial Arts Graz for information only and without responsibility?[/wptabtitle]

[wptabcontent]Yes, everybody has the possibility to take part in a test training. You can also choose to participate in a non binding test phase taking one month to get to know better our Academy without obligation. Within this month you can take advantage of all of our offerings and get a good basis of decision making.

Matter of expense € 99,90.

Application by phone +43 676 77 655 65 or by mail office@martial-arts.at for a non-binding test training (anytime possible).

[wptabtitle] What are the benefits of being a member of the Academy of Martial Arts Graz?[/wptabtitle]

[wptabcontent]Only members are allowed to train in the Academy of Martial Arts Graz. They do NOT have to pay enrollment fees and get the following benefits: Information, member pass, the possibility of taking part in regional as well as transregional seminars[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] Which persons can use our offerings?[/wptabtitle]

[wptabcontent]What we offer is designed for everyone who wants to extend their limits individually. It is not bound to a special age or gender.
We encourage the intelligence of your body with a lot of variety and fun, extend your radius of movement and make you fit with natural movement.
This is why everybody who is at least 7 years (Children’s Class) old is suited.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] Test training?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]A system for Martial Arts an Self-Defense cannot easily be described by a few words, that is why everybody has the opportunity to participate in a test training at our Academy.
During this exercise you get a first look of our training system and trainers.
Furthermore there is the possibility to answer your general questions or questions related to special courses.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] I did not exercise for a long time – Can I start over?[/wptabtitle]

For a human physical activity is essential for survival.

Here is an excerpt form the website of the Federal Ministry of Health (Austria).

  • A person is inactive if he or she makes no exercise besides the basis activity. Physical inactivity is over a longer period of time a risk of health.
  • A person is slightly physically active if he or she exercises a little more – once per week – than his/her basis activity. Some exercise is better than no exercise because a small health related benefit arises. The least recommendations for exercising that is useful for health reasons are not met, though.
  • Middle physical level of activity is defined by an amount of 150 – 300 minutes (= 2,5 – 5 hours) exercise per week with mean intensity (50 – 70 percent of the maximum pulse). The benefit for health is stronger and rises by a increasing stint of exercise per week.
  • Höheres körperliches Aktivitätsniveau bedeutet, dass eine Person mehr als 300 Minuten (= fünf Stunden) pro Woche mit mittlerer Intensität körperliche aktiv ist. Damit kann ein zusätzlicher gesundheitlicher Nutzen erreicht werden. Allerdings kann das Risiko für Überlastungsschäden bei einem hohen wöchentlichen Bewegungsumfang steigen.
  • High physical level of activity means that a person is physically active for more than 300 minutes (= 5 hours) per week with mean intensity. So a additional benefit of health can be accomplished. However, a high weekly amount of exercise can increase the risk of a injury by overload.

It is about time to start moving again!


[wptabtitle] When can I begin?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]You can begin at any time. Please fill in the contact form.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] Is there a injury risk?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]There is a small injury risk! Rarely accidents happen because of the systematic training. There is not a patch to football, handball or volleyball.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle]Aren’t Martial Arts too dangerous for children?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]No, we do not think so because we try to teach the children virtues which empower neat togetherness.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] How long is the minimum membership time?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]Half a year because it takes some time to get general insights and overview.[/wptabcontent]

[wptabtitle] What classifications are there?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

The IMAO Education structure

1. Circle of Experience

Technician 1-3 basis levels

Technician 4-6 elementary levels

Technician  7-9 mid-levels

Technician  10-12 upper levels

2. Circle of Experience

Practitioner practitioner levels 1-4

3. Circle of Knowledge


Specialized Expert




[wptabtitle] Why do I need to join the association?[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]The association serves Know-How and inspiration!

Mag. Andreas Brandstätter is one of few experts who dedicates himself full-time for more than 25 years to Martial Arts in all of their facets!

  • A lot of Mag. Andreas Brandstätter’s experienced trainees are very sucessful and get lots of recognition as heads of schools and academies.
  • Mag. Andreas Brandstätter instructs members of the police, special Kommandos, special forces and military for years.

Because of the association everything gets checked for its practical applicability.
A very important criterion is learn-ability, also for people who cannot train for 20 years, 8 hours a day.
All experiences of the trainers are available because of the constant further training of the heads of schools and academies.
Only because of the membership of every trainee it is possibly to maintain the quality and the high level of education of our trainers.

